10 Dates That Trigger Your Grieving Friend

10 Dates That Trigger Your Grieving Friend
image of calendar with a date circled, and a pop up reminder saying "memory surfacing, acknowledge?" with two buttons to accept or ignore.

Dear friends, This is something you may not know: each month, there is a particular day on which I think of Charlie more. Not that I’m sad, per se, but he’s just on my mind more. It’s the day of the month he was born on – he was born in June 19th, so on

New Years Resolutions

(Topic: Life after loss, grief, holidays) Hi Friends, I’m terrible at New Years Resolutions, and anyway, resolutions work better when you come to them bit by bit and work on them piece by piece. But for fun, and for reflection, here are a few things that I’m currently working on: 1) Be patient with myself,

Support and How I Changed

Support and How I Changed

(Topic: grief after loss support, holidays) Our mantle, stockings, and present area – no tree this year. Hi Friends, This year is different. This is our 4th Christmas after Charlie died, and every year has been different, but this year is really different. For the last 3 years, my reaction to Christmas has been what

How I’ll Think About Christmas This Year

(Topic: Grief, Religion, Christmas, Pregnancy) Hi Friends, Christmas, and particularly the figure of Mary, can be a bit complicated to come to terms with after experiencing infant loss. I’ve written about this before, exploring how the themes of pregnancy and happy arrival can be very difficult for a loss parent. I’ve felt sad, during the

Thanksgiving with Pookie

(Topic: Thanksgiving, Holidays, Weighted Bear/Pookie) Hi Friends! Many loss parents struggle with Thanksgiving – it’s a holiday with a lot of family coming together, and not all families are completely understanding and supportive. My husband and I are lucky. Our families are both really supportive overall, and my family’s Thanksgiving traditions are pretty laid back

Five Resources for Remembering Your Child at the Holidays

(Topic: Holiday traditions, memorials) Hi Friends, At first I thought I’d write about our personal traditions (which I will still include at the end!) but I realized there are so many good resources out there that I wanted to share. In this post you will find 5 great resources with their own lists of ideas

Father’s Day Is Hard For Us

(Topic: Grief, dealing with grief, triggers, pictures, loss, stillbirth, pregnancy and infant loss) Hi Friends, Charlie was born on Father’s Day. This weekend is so, so hard for us, every year. It’s odd, how my mind works. It doesn’t know what date Thursday was that year, or Friday, or Saturday – I only remember the

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day on my Mind at Once – Plus Tips on How to Support a Grieving Loved One

(Topic: grief, holidays, support) I know a mama who planted an azalea for every one of her babies who died. This one in my yard makes me think of her. Hi Friends, This post is a bit later than I’d intended, because this week is a tough one for loss families of many kinds. Being

Thoughts about Easter

(Topics: Grief and Anxiety, mental health, Easter/Religion, cemeteries) Hi Friends, The other day, I spent the day with Charlie. I have been feeling really, really sad and overwhelmed lately. Sometimes, when I’m feeling heavy, it’s very hard for me to figure out why – and knowing why makes it easier for me to either live