Golden Spike Triptych

Posting some older items, to catch up with what I’m working on now! Item Data:– Type: Acrylic painting on canvas– Date made: August 2011– Pattern: used photos of each engine for accuracy– Fabric: canvas– Trim: n/a– Time to finish: several days– Notes: The engines are painted using photographs of the original engines that participated in

Iris Painting

Posting some older items, to catch up with what I’m working on now! Item Data:– Type: Acrylic painting on canvas– Date made: July 2011– Pattern: Painted freehand, using photographs as inspiration and as a guide– Fabric: canvas!– Trim: n/a– Time to finish: Don’t remember. one or two days, I think, including drying time.– Notes: Kelly’s

Painesville reenactment, 2012/1862

Hello! Since I’ve now stepped into Civil War reenacting, during the 150th anniversary cycle, many of my posts from now on will be related to the Civil War era. I’ll also be trying to organize the blog a little better, so you may start to see “labels” applied to old posts too, which should make

Spring Sweater

This sweater, knitted for my seven-year-old sister, was made following no pattern. Each piece was carefully counted, as I made the front, the back, and each sleeve. The bottom edge and the cuffs are k4p4 ribbing. The back has cables 8 stitches wide. Garment Data:– Type: Child’s sweater– Date made: 2008?– Pattern: none– Fabric: yellow

Bathing Attire

When I journeyed to Germany, my school put on a fashion show of swimsuits of the century. I was responsible for the 1900s and 1910s. Garment Data:– Type: Swimsuits– Date made: Spring 2003– Pattern: None; based on photographs and drawings– Fabric: Cottons, extant dress– Trim: n/a– Time to finish: ?– Notes: n/a More pictures (and