Our Tiger Cub’s Blanket

Dear Friends, In my previous post about Dolly Parton, I mentioned that I had made a blanket, and that working on it helped me in my grief journey. This post is sharing that blanket!! It is a cotton blanket, crocheted with just single crochet. The interest is in the variegated yarns and which colors I

Breastfeeding vs. Male Entitlement

So just recently, a friend of mine had an experience that made me upset (and her more so). She was told by a relative, who had not said anything prior to this, that breastfeeding in “public” (in this case, at his home) was not ok. Could she please be more discreet and do it in

In the Right Place, At the Right Time

…Or, Why I Take Pookie With Me To Public Places There are many reasons I take Pookie with me, the primary one being that I feel like I need a little one to hold, and/or the comfort of a stuffed toy. I’ll sometimes take him just for company, but usually it’s because I’m going somewhere


Friends, October means a lot to many of those in the baby loss community, whether or not any personally significant dates for that family occur in this month. October is infant loss awareness month, with the 15th being “remembrance day”. So, there are more events, ceremonies, walks, etc. in October than most months. In fact,

Diagnosis: Heartache, Chronic. Ok?

Dear Friends, One of the things I’m learning (slowly) is to be patient with myself, and forgiving. I’ve never really been terribly patient! I’m sure if my parents are reading this, they’re nodding along. When it comes to grief, though, part of the “problem” that makes it difficult, is that there is no set of

Emotions & Childloss

Hi Friends, I will again start this post with the caveat: This is MY experience, and others may perceive or experience grief differently from me. I will start out by admitting I have always been somewhat of a dramatic person. I have always expressed feelings loudly and vehemently. I like to believe this is because

Learning and Growing

This is a tree in the cemetery. I don’t know what kind it is. Dear friends, I recently learned a phrase that I find beautiful, and really hits the nail on the head. Have you ever noticed how, in English, we have no real, common word for a parent who has lost a child? We

Happy Birthday, Little Charlie

 Hi Friends, I am doing something very difficult right now. On June 19th, 2017, it will be exactly one year since our son Charlie was born. Stillborn. Died. Was baptised. Everything. His whole life. And I am planning a party. Well, not exactly a party. What would you call it? A get-together? A memorial picnic?